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Friday, March 12, 2010

My first blog! XD

Feeling great writing my first blog!
Seeing most of my friends have had their own blogs, I suddenly feel ticklish in my heart and crave for an attempt to write my first own blog.
Today is great, although everything goes on as usual but at least I got my liberty from all my boring books which have bonded me for a whole week! Yea exam!
My last exam(PMR) was about 6 months ago.. Quite a long gap, wasn't it?
Later when THIS exam came on my way, I found that my laziness has leveled up rapidly between the resting period, that I couldn't really concentrate on studying!
Well I still managed to finish my revision at the last second and tried my best in my exam... Well I think I did quite well in some subjects as I always did (Well this is not confidence but a fact that has been confirmed true for years hehe =)) Although i play much (support Mafia Wars!!), but my instinct of studying never rots, it stays fresh as always...
I also thank God for blessing me so much that I can really enjoy my life...

Today I have made an enormous step in my life for writing my first own blog!! It was really like flipping a new page of a book, into an unknown world where joy and excitement await...

Remarks: If this doesn't look like a blog, just keep it in ur heart and say it's good when i ask u about it.. It makes me feel better than when u say it's not like one at all, although u MAY be right about it.. (may=0.01%)
Haha yea that's all for my first blog. Have a great day y'all~


Unknown said...

Nice..Keep it up ^.^


Unknown said...

It's a good Start Joseph! Keep it up.

Joseph Sim said...

Haha thanks!
sadly no pics yet

Ellece said...

link me :D lawsiewyin1014.blogspot.com

shepherd said...

very impressed indeed... one thing for sure, your English is better than your other two siblings...

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